TST Health provides free religious telehealth medication abortion care, courtesy of The Satanic Temple.

Person sitting at computer, looking at The Satanic Temple Health logo

Elija una de las opciones para comenzar:

Choose an option below to GET STARTED:

How It Works:

+ Complete a confidential health screening online.

+ Receive a link to schedule your virtual appointment.

+ Video chat with our provider.

+ Receive an email from our pharmacy partner to complete your medication purchase.

+ Receive your abortion medication in a discreet package.

+ Contact us if you need support or have questions.

Who is Eligible:

TST Health's services are available to those who meet the following criteria:

+ At least 17 years old (Virginia law requires parental consent for minors.)

+ Located in New Mexico or Virginia at the time of the virtual visit.

+ Have a New Mexico or Virginia mailing address to receive medications.

+ Up to 11 weeks pregnant

+ Medically eligible

+ Interested in performing TST’s abortion ritual, or are a TST member*

WHAT It Costs:

+ TST Health’s services are free, and medication costs roughly $90.

+ Financial assistance may be available for patients who are unable to afford their medications.

+ Please contact us if you need financial assistance.

*TST’s abortion ritual is deeply personal. For this reason, the performance of the ritual can vary based on individual preferences and the availability of materials. Patients are not required to purchase ritual materials or to adhere to every word as written. What is essential to TST's abortion ritual is the spirit and general intent.


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There are many people across the country working hard to make abortion accessible and to support you through the process. We want to make sure you can make the best, most informed decision for yourself.